
List of Movies - New Czechoslovakian Wave


  • Tri Veteráni (three Veterans)
    It is a story of three veterans released from the army. During one night spent camping in the country they one by one wake up and meet three elvish brothers. Each of the veterans is given a magic item - one gets magic harp that pr...

  • Obrazy Starého Sveta (pictures Of The Old World)
    Pictures of the Old World is an unquestioned masterpiece of European documentary cinema, with existential radicalism that offers a contrast to the shallowness of hundreds of other documentary films showing images from the outskirt
    Czechoslovakia  1972

  • Dívka Na Kosteti
    Saxana has the enthusiasm, but lacks the right talent to become a witch. So she's kept in for 300 years - nothing unusual for a sorceress' school. Being bored, she skims through the magicians' lexicon and finds a formula which bri...
    Czechoslovakia  1972

  • Ucho (the Ear)
    Ludvik, a Communist official, arrives back home with his wife after spending the evening at a government function where he finds out that several of his colleagues have been 'relieved' of their responsibilities. Once he is inside ...
    Czechoslovakia  1970

  • Zert (the Joke)
    In the 1950's, Ludvik Jahn was expelled from the Communist Party and the University by his fellow students, because of a politically incorrect note he sent to his girlfriend. Fifteen years later, he tries to get his revenge by sed...
    Czechoslovakia  1969

  • Spalovac Mrtvol (the Cremator)
    Karl works at a crematorium in Prague. Obsessed with his duties, he believes he is not just cremating the dead, but liberating the souls of the departed. With Nazi forces gathering at the Czech border, he descends into a mania tha...
    Czechoslovakia  1969

  • Vsichni Dobrí Rodáci (all Good Citizens)
    Various scenes in the life of a tight-knit community in Czechoslovakia exploring the human spirit in the backdrop of the political changes that they experience.
    Czechoslovakia  1969

  • Rozmarné Léto (capricious Summer)
    Middle-aged Antonin and his friends, the major, now retired, and the canon, are in the river, swimming and philosophizing. Then it starts to rain. It just seems to be that sort of summer. Antonin runs the swimming bath with his po...
    Czechoslovakia  1968